
New BluePath Service Dogs van

New addition to the BluePath Fleet

Our transportation needs have evolved in alignment with our growing program and mission delivery.  We’re proud to introduce the newest addition to the BluePath fleet – our custom-fitted, temperature controlled training van.  Among other special modifications, the generator and AC unit will ensure our dogs are safe and comfortable during training outings. We are infinitely

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Puppy Yoga

Puppy yoga was perfect. To our 85 attendees, 10 volunteers and 7 super star yoga-pups – THANK YOU. We raised thousands of dollars to help children with autism along with incredible awareness of the BluePath mission. To our generous host, Club Fit Briarcliff – thank you for your openness to our zany idea. We are

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Walkathon Raises Funds for Life-Changing Service Dogs

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE BluePath is gearing up for its third annual walkathon fundraiser, to be held on Saturday, May 18 at FDR State Park in Yorktown Heights. The event raises funds in support of BluePath\’s mission to provide autism service dogs, offering safety, companionship and opportunities for independence. The family-friendly fundraiser, held from 10:00am to

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Our Belt & Tether System: Thank you Craig

BluePath dogs keep children safe through a specially designed belt and tether system that connects to the dog’s service vest. When a child bolts, the dog “anchors,” effectively stopping the child from a potentially dangerous situation. Autism’s sensory issues can involve sensitivity to a wide range of stimuli. Some clothing and accessories can cause children

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Dear Izzy

Dear Izzy, It is the anniversary of the night before you arrived; January 9, 2018. Like any expectant puppy parent, I was excited, nervous and anxious. I had been down this road before. I couldn’t wait for your puppy breath to hit me in the face or to cuddle with you as you would sleep

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