A Match Made in Blue

On World Autism Awareness Day, we join the global community in lighting it up blue to raise awareness and support for individuals and families affected by autism spectrum disorders.

Through the end of this week, all donations will be generously matched by Carol Parish and Marty Zeldin – up to $5,000! Give on our website, towards a walkathon team or send a check by mail. Every gift counts.

Please make a donation to unlock life’s potential for children and families touched by autism.

Blue today… Blue every day.

“My son pointed, clapped his hands and said a few words until he was about 15 months old. Then autism happened, and he just faded away. Instead of playing with me or his dad or sisters, he stared out into space. We were heartbroken, and the joy in our home was replaced with worry. One of our many concerns was that we would not be able to keep him safe, as he seemed to wander and “elope” often.

When we received our autism service dog, light began to shine in our lives again. I now had a tool that I could use to keep our son safe and to make him laugh, and my family started to experience joy and laughter again. She healed us then – and she still does every single day. ”

— autism mom
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