Humans of BluePath: Chrisanne Cubby, Puppy Raiser

Chrisanne and Benni at the 2017 Walkathon

How it all Began: I saw on Facebook that BluePath was looking for volunteer puppy raisers.

Favorite Part of Volunteering for BluePath: The staff and community are all so supportive. I get answers immediately when I have questions about veterinary care or training.  I also like how experienced raisers don’t have to attend weekly training classes; I can do my own thing but check in when needed.

Favorite Part of Puppy Raising: The training… it’s the challenge of it all! I am currently raising my second dog, Pete. The first dog I had was Benni; he was from BluePath’s very first litter. He was a fast learner and always wanted to learn more. Pete is currently in his “teenage” years and I have to work hard to keep his attention. They are both such great dogs.

Fast Facts

About Chrisanne:

  • Where She Lives: Milford, PA.

  • Dream Vacation Spot: I visit places for the people. I have three kids; two are in Florida and one lives in England so I go to those two places at least once a year.

  • Favorite Hobbies: I enjoy participating in dog trials. I take online courses for training and I go to classes in person to work on completing various skills. Dogs are a big thing in my life! I also always read one book a month. I keep a journal of each book as I finish.

  • Favorite Food: Pizza

Chrisanne and Pete

About Pete:

  • Newest Skill: I have a snow saucer and Pete sits in it to practice novel underfootings.  One day he grabbed it in his mouth and took it outside. He placed his two front feet on the saucer and slid all the way down the snowy hill! He loves being outside in the cold weather – and I guess he loves sledding too.

  • Most likely to… Both Pete and Benni always have to have something in their mouth carrying it around!

  • Best Skill: Pete is so playful and loves kids so much. He’s also great at settling in the crate during down time.

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