John and Evie at BluePath\’s 2018 Walkathon.
How it All Began: I learned about BluePath when Dr. Sandler came to speak at my Rotary Club. I asked him where BluePath gets their dogs from and he said North Carolina. I have a close friend down there and visit her often, so I said, “Gee, do you need people to transport your dogs to New York?” I love dogs and am already traveling to and from North Carolina. This seemed like the perfect opportunity to adhere to the Rotary slogan of “service above self.”
Favorite Part of Volunteering for BluePath: The puppies are a lot of fun! I get a good feeling when bringing the puppies up and I love following their path as they get older and complete different stages of their training. Knowing that I play a small part in the good work that BluePath and these puppies do is a reward in itself. I also deeply appreciate my friend Cathy Petriano’s generosity letting me keep the puppies at her place before our road trip back to New York!
Favorite Puppy Driving Memory: The first time I made the trip from North Carolina to New York I had one puppy. The second time, I had two puppies, and the third time I had four puppies. When I had four, I stopped to walk and feed them all and so many people came over to look at and pet them. There were two ten-week-old puppies and two six-week-old puppies so they were really small at the time. I felt like I needed a police escort with all the attention the puppies were getting!
Advice for Prospective Volunteers: Go ahead and do it. I became so much more aware of the wonderful things dogs can do with children on the autism spectrum. There’s a really extraordinary bond that’s formed – those dogs have special powers that make them incredible companions. We’re all here to help and do what we can to help make life a little easier for children with autism and their families. Whatever you give to BluePath you get back tenfold. I feel that I do.
Fast Facts:
Favorite Way to Relax: Reading mystery novels
Dream Vacation Spot: Katmandu (to see Mt. Everest but certainly never attempt to climb it!)
Favorite Musical Group: The Beach Boys
Ideal Celebrity Road Trip Buddy: Golfer Phil Mickelson (he’s a good family man, funds his own charity organization, and is a great golfer!)