Humans of BluePath: Kaete Cason, Puppy Raiser

Kaete, Andy and their pet dog, Kota, welcomed BluePath Nicholas into their home with open arms (and laps!).

How it All Began: I came across an article in the Poughkeepsie Journal talking about BluePath and the important role volunteers play in helping them achieve their mission. The article outlined the many volunteer positions available and, after doing some research of my own, I found that being a puppy raiser was the perfect match for me.

Favorite Part of Volunteering for BluePath: Working with BluePath has been such an incredible learning process for me. Before volunteering, I knew very little about autism. Soon after I signed on, one of BluePath’s board members generously shared with me her story as a parent of a child with autism. Until that point, I had no idea what autism meant for an individual or their family. It was a very eye-opening experience.

Favorite Part of Puppy Raising: It’s so much fun having another dog in the house, but I think the most rewarding part will come at the end once my puppy completes his training and gets matched with a family. While I’ve certainly enjoyed training Nicholas and going on our outings, I think even greater things are still to come!

Words of Wisdom for Prospective Puppy Raisers: Do it. For anyone who’s had a dog before: it’s definitely a more involved process, but the dogs that BluePath selects for training have great temperaments and that makes the job so much easier. You’re able to focus on training and having fun instead of spending time worrying. But yeah, just do it.

Fast Facts:

About Kaete:

  • Where She Lives: Hyde Park, NY
  • Dream Vacation Spot: Bora Bora
  • Favorite Way to Relax: Going on walks with Nicholas (the perfect way to end a ruff day!)

About Nicholas:

  • Newest Skill: Going to kennel
  • Nickname: Buddy Boy
  • Quirkiest Trait: Likes to lay behind low-hanging curtains (who doesn\’t love a good game of hide-and-seek?)
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