Humans of BluePath: Courtney Owens, Puppy Raiser

Courtney Owens and her family have brought an interesting twist to puppy raising; BluePath Milo is growing up on Courtney\’s farm in Bloomfield, NY. Milo has had the opportunity to befriend many animal species, including his best bud, Pig.

The Owens family has always made a special place in their lives for animals. Not only does Courtney care for Milo and his friends on the farm, she is also an experienced veterinarian technician. Alyssa, Courtney’s wife, is a former animal behaviorist now working as an associate teacher at Monroe One Boces. Visiting Alyssa’s classroom offers Milo valuable experiences with children with disabilities.

Milo has developed wonderful relationships with Courtney’s children Wyatt (4), and twins Simon and Mairin (14 months).

Favorite memories: Milo and Simon have a special relationship. Milo is 80 pounds of young, goofy Lab but he’s so gentle when he’s with Simon. It’s incredible to see that switch on and off.

Favorite part of puppy raising: I love being able to use our skill set to give back, and it’s particularly meaningful to know these dogs will help children and families.BluePath is a really positive, tight-knit family and it’s very cool to be part of it.

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