We recently celebrated the graduation of our first service dog teams!
BluePath dogs Lyons and Sonny will make an exponential impact in their new homes. They will help children and their parents, support siblings and friends, and strengthen families’ connections with their communities.
The Azar Family
“Our daughter Zayna is 13 years old and highly impacted by autism. She’s nonverbal and a runner; it has been at least four years since my wife has been able to take her to the store. Zayna also likes to be by herself, preferring to spend time in her room alone than with her sisters. We think Lyons will be a grounding presence; he will keep Zayna safe and be her companion. With Lyons, we’ll be able to do things as a family again.” – Chris Azar
The Cavanagh Family
“Haedyn loves to go out into the community. He’s the happiest loving little boy. But sometimes it’s just too hard. There will be times we’ll be at the supermarket and he sees something shiny and runs; it’s obviously not safe. That’s where Sonny will come in. With Sonny, we’ll gain some independence.” – Jennifer Cavanagh
Safety, companionship and opportunities for independence… Lyons and Sonny will provide those precious gifts for their new families, and much, much more.
To everyone who believes in BluePath’s mission and has joined us on the path – thank you. We are infinitely grateful for your support.