GOAL: For Ranger to reliably perform his skills so that he is ready for hockey season and to be an autism service dog in the future.
(Exercises, Purpose, Notes)
- Dress, Body Handling, Ranger puts his head through his puppy jacket (jersey) when he hears “get dressed.” A pup can’t exercise without his clothes on!
- Name, You talkin’ to me??, Ranger responds when he hears his name so he’s ready to focus. This good boy also responds to “Meatball.”
- Puck Drop, Ceremonial, Ranger places whatever is in his mouth (a puck, probably a puck…) onto the floor when he hears “Drop.”
- Recalls, Body ComPAWsition, Ranger runs swiftly to his puppy raiser when he hears “Here.”
- Push-Pups, Pupper Body Strength, Ranger does “Sit” and Down” four times in a row. It’s hard to jump into a sitting position, but Ranger has a pep in his step.
- Box jumps, Coordination, Ranger jumps on and off a raised object when he hears “hup” and “off.” Hard for a pupper with short legs, but our little meatball does a great job.
This isn’t exactly “close…” but it’s pretty adorable. 🙂 Photo via NYRangers/MSG.
- High five, Favorite Skill, Ranger “high-fives” his handler with his paw for a job well done!
- Close, Snugs, Ranger sits in between his handler’s legs when he hears “close.” Every puppy workout should end with a good cuddle session.
Working out can be ruff, but practicing skills gives Ranger a new leash on life. He takes it all the way bark to the BEGginning and refreshes the basics like name response, but also pups the ante with patterned retrievals and jumps. Anything is pawssible when you STAY focused and work hard!